
Raunak Sarada
6 min readOct 5, 2022


No it is not 2022, it is 2055. now everything has changed for humans. science has the power of god or else what we can expect from scientist of this time?

now from where should I start, I do not know but at least somewhere
where you want to live in your dreams, guess? sea side, casino or pub? It now does not mean anything just think and the best of those experience you can get with just at few energy.

They guarantee for the same experience else you get you energy back

What is energy ?
Take it as a currency of exchange that you can create with your time.
Govt or should I say the cabinet of earth gives you limited free energy everyday just so you can survive.
You can do all sorts of stuff with it but you can not buy it only you can create it or exchange it or receive it.

Nature is still out there but no one is curious to solve the problem of the Nature everyone is working on their own projects.

Now people do not need help of others. they are self dependent. people eat food to survive not for taste
oh please come out from your present, people are not busy in smartphones and pc, they are not visiting youtube anymore.

yes but now it is mindtube.

People give birth to humans for existence of humanity on this planet not for family and now we have no more friends.
You can go back to a normal human life by just removing this mind setter from your head. but now no one wants to do it they can loose their life for this.
let me explain this mind-setter. oh no! let’s see this world
now it is no more painful to be a dumb, blind. all you need is your mind to exist among human beings
now Johny is hero of mindtube, why? because he has an awesome creative mind that make him great, yes you can also see what he think or what he create and you can upload on mindtube most creative won and becomes ideal of human.
now you want to make an account on mindtube you can all you need is mind-setter and it is obvious that to get this mind-setter is not easy you have to go through the exams
yes exams, all you know about exams is different now.
exams that define you are able to exist or not
they will examine you not only physically, but also mentally
they give you mind-setter for this test
first test is for your emotions, they will examine you until the extremes of an animal
This is not a place for an emotional fool

second they examine you by your abilities like brave confident etc
third they give the experience of death
they check whether you give up or fight for your life and at last you deserve It is no more a birth right
now you must be surprised that humans cannot live without food and water
how they get this
I can tell you they don’t kill anyone but now it is the duty of those people who are not able to get the mind-setter
to produce food and water. if you don’t want to do this you will punish by this mind-setter. they will show you most painful experience until your death.
now thinking is what matters.
you are just thinking that what people do if they not go through morning walk and yoga, I mean how they digest the food, now all work is part of mind, mind automatically functioned the stomach to digest body is in control of our mind .
now you must want to now who is as much brilliant to create this device and how it become so much popular as life
So here our story start
mr. set, mr. set a girl is calling a young man .
mr.set- yes miss …..what!
suzen -I am suzen, mr. set you should know my name although we are neighbour from two years
mr. set- ya ya I know but I am in hurry so I forget ..
suzen- you forget your keys in lock
mr.set- thank you so much
suzen-you always in hurry what’s the problem
mr.set-nothing time is the biggest problem it always runs to fast
suzen-like you are going to die after a year (laughing)
mr. set- maybe under a year
mr. set sit in taxi and go to his usual research centre
welcome mr. set say john a great friend of mr. set but mr. set kept their secret in their mind
john- mr. set what we tell to chief if you are not telling me what project you are working
mr. set- I am not sure it going to work or not but we success world so much different from now
john -and how we gonna make this, can you tell me my friend
mr. set- okay first listen this project is secret we are not going to introduce to world
john- what then how can we help people
mr. set - I know but we have to control its uses.
john- okay so where we are now
mr set- I am currently working on how brain waves can transmit to radio waves so we can use to send a signal
john- so what’s the problem
mr. set- I cannot find convertor that can take signals of human in both audio and video messages
john- so what we do can we create a virtual phase changer that change this to signal
mr. set- I don’t know and I don’t think this gonna work
mr. set- continue thinking and make some calculation on paper
as time passed it continue to 6 months yet no result
one day mr. set was walking in a garden and suddenly felt a tree in a unusual manner.
mr. set- if I take a leave and just again put it. it will never attach to this tree
I think every tree have thousands of leaves and these leaves connected to branches and branches to the trunk if I make a connection that just only take the source message and transmit in same same way as the main source.
just I have to make a connection to others mind that can take the source as signal. so it become easy to thought that a signal never comes back to main source generator but always go through frequency of the generator and who want to see the source just put the same frequency and we get the source.
yes this is amazing
next day when mr. set leaves home he is in very happy mood after reaching to centre they hugs john
mr. set- john we got it a device that connect all minds together and just think how much useful it can be
john- but what about drawbacks
mr. set- Ithink it’s drawbacks is ore then its uses we cannot tell about this to anyone
john-but we cannot hide this it is a source of a new day for all physically unable people
mr. set- I know but how can we assure people to stop misuse this otherwise world will be in danger
john- This is not our fault people choose their own destiny how can we say like this
mr.set- I don’t know but world don’t deserve this yet
john- I am afraid but we cannot hide this so much time
mr. set- I know but we can until our lives
time passed mr. set will die in 6 months he still finding the solution but world can’t change now
so we cannot back in past what we can do now to destroy the world again I mean save but still afraid for humanity.



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