The AI Eternity Service

Raunak Sarada
3 min readMar 25, 2023


Recently with Open AI announcing the GPT-4 and other language model coming to market, now one question remains open is where we go next?
what we can do other than improving the models.

Well Here’s one idea
The AI Eternity Service :

you may have seen the video

so as now we can simulate the expression and voice (over time)

But it’s not conscious.
I think Journey to Consciousness should start with knowledge, experience and than emotions.
we have succeeded with all three. Now we have trained our model with capabilities it’s not so hard to personalize these models based on someone’s characteristics and behaviour.

What’s the feature’s :

We will give two service:

(1) Person is alive and wants to have an AI eternity service.

(2) Person is dead somebody wants to have an AI eternity service of them based on publicly available data/they provide the data.

Let’s discuss first scenario:

A person can request his own personalized version trained on his personal data (like videos, images, voice and text over time).
At first we can provide a generalized model based their common or not so private data(it will include like facial expression, voice and tone of communication) then hand it over to that person for training the model and keep on improving the knowledge as well as add more expression’s.

Second scenario:
For Some Famous People like If we want to train a model for Albert Einstein, we can train all the publicly available data of Einstein and feed into the model. it will have limitation cause data is limited but it should be more than enough to first start with the simple approach then in future we will encounter some sort of techniques that require less data dependencies. we will have more advance model.

What it actually means to have an AI eternity Service:

As consciousness is still remains a mystery to solve
so it might be possible that we will not be able to answer it fully in near future. one key aspect of it still is data.
So why not start there
Like Elon says I don’t know what’s out there so my purpose of life is to make humanity a multiplanetary species so that they can explore more and see beyond just one planet.

Also maybe people can ask and talk with people that they loved and now gone. so it will give a sense of having someone that they can spend time with and have shared memories together.
It will be a great knowledge base for future Generation’s as they will know how, when and in what stages we progressed.

Although We have finite life time. as a Human being if there is a possibility of Consciousness in future i would like to start with this AI service. Although I know it will be just an ingredient in recipe of hundred’s of spices but still i will be one step closer to holy grail of Consciousness.



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